Szótár: Grade adjusted pace (GAP)

Grade Adjusted Pace estimates your equivalent pace at the same effort on flat ground. For running up hill, grade adjusted pace will be faster than your actual pace and for down hill it will be slower.

The calculation of Grade Adjusted Pace highly depends on your elevation profile. For accurate results it's required to have barometric data.


  1. Minetti, A. E., Moia, C., Roi, G. S., Susta, D., Ferretti, G.: Energy cost of walking and running at extreme uphill and downhill slopes, Journal of Applied Physiology 2002 93:3, 1039-1046, doi 10.1152/japplphysiol.01177.2001
  2. Staab, J. S., Agnew, J. W., Siconolfi, S. F.: Metabolic and performance responses to uphill and downhill running in distance runners, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1992, 24(1), 124-127,
  3. Vernillo, G., Giandolini, M., Edwards, W. B., Morin, J.-B., Samozino, P., Horvais, N., Millet, G.: Biomechanics and Physiology of Uphill and Downhill Running, Sports Medicine 47(4), 2016, 10.1007/s40279-016-0605-y, doi 10.1007/s40279-016-0605-y

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